| 1. | Rising expectation on accountability 期望更高的社会问责 |
| 2. | They can be duped for as long as inflation stays one step ahead of their rising expectations of what it will be 只要通货膨胀比他们预期的好一点,他们就会相信政府而被欺骗。 |
| 3. | They can be duped for as long as inflation stays one step ahead of their rising expectations of what it will be 只要通货膨胀在他们不断上升的预期之上,他们就可以一直隐瞒下去 |
| 4. | This is because they have to meet the service performance target of the call centre and satisfy rising expectations of customers 如课程被取消或中止,本局将退回所有已缴之费用予参加者 |
| 5. | Our citizens will be more conscious of their rights . and they will have rising expectations of all institutions , public and private 市民大众会更清楚知道自己应有的权利,故此,对各类机构,无论是公营或私营的,均会寄予更高的期望。 |
| 6. | It is therefore timely , during a period of deregulation and rising expectations , that there should be a reconsideration of how hkab s role could be developed 因此,面对放宽管制及公众的期望不断提高的情况,正是检讨如何发展银行公会功能的适当时机。 |
| 7. | The civil service must strive to improve the public sector productivity to meet the community s expanding needs and rising expectations at a time of real budget constraints 面对实实在在的财政紧绌问题,公务员必须努力提高公营部门的生产力,以切合市民与日俱增的需求和期望。 |
| 8. | Fundamentally , this means that hkpf is now operating in an environment of rising expectations but still managing to improve in key performance areas ; this is no mean achievement 基本上,这显示警队正面对市民日益殷切的期望,而尽管如此,警队仍能在各主要工作范畴上作出改善,成绩殊不简单。 |
| 9. | We will assess regularly our performance against these targets and where appropriate upgrade these targets and where appropriate upgrade these targets to meet rising expectation from our customers 本署会根据这标些目标,定期评估所提供的服务,并会按需要提高服务目标,以切合市民日益殷切的期望 |
| 10. | Imports were also affected by expanded production capacity , excessive imports last year , downward equipment imports by foreign investors , and rising expectation for rmb revaluation 一些产品国内产量增加或去年超量进口、外商投资设备进口下降、人民币升值预期增强,也都在一定程度上影响了进口增长。 |